Calnex Sentinel
Verify static and dynamic time, phase and frequency synchronisation performance on your packet network. Calnex Sentinel is the dedicated synchronization tester, now with 5G Over-the-Air measurements.
As the world prepares for 5G, the levels of synchronisation accuracy and data transfer rates required are increasing exponentially.
In response, ITU-T is enhancing the G.827x series of standards standards to meet the precision requirements of the next generation – to ensure that Ethernet systems are robust against various transmission delays and other effects that can significantly disrupt precise time transfer.
Paragon-neo is the latest platform from Calnex that provides PTP and SyncE testing at speeds up to 100 GbE. It is designed to meet the stringent testing requirements of NEMs that are developing, verifying and
manufacturing of devices against advanced timing standards such as ITU-T G.8273.2 Class-C/D limit clocks.
And for those designing and deploying 5G networks and systems.
Verify static and dynamic time, phase and frequency synchronisation performance on your packet network. Calnex Sentinel is the dedicated synchronization tester, now with 5G Over-the-Air measurements.
So many indoor wireless networks to design, so little time. But with iBwave Design, the industry standard for indoor wireless network design, the lifecycle of your network design is simplified so you can design and deliver wireless networks smarter and faster than ever before.
Spirent CloudSure is an extensible and open test platform for benchmarking and validating NFV ecosystems, enabling Service Providers to ensure their infrastructure virtualization. CloudSure helps ensure the success of NFV-based environments such as 5G.
Get your V2X products to market faster by testing real traffic scenarios in the lab. Make sure you deliver V2X communications that work properly under all possible conditions, including metrics for accuracy, repeatability, security and more. With a full range of wireless and RF test solutions, Spirent helps you design and implement sophisticated V2V and V2X communications services while reducing or eliminating costly and time-consuming field testing.
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