Usher is an enterprise security solution that offers the best combination of security and convenience for accessing digital and physical assets.
Usher replaces physical badges, passwords and security tokens with secure digital badges delivered via a smartphone.
While providing location-based biometric authentication, Usher also generates critical back-end information about user behaviour and resource usage that can be used to manage your organisation more effectively.
AMPERCOM S.r.l. – Società a responsabilità limitata con socio unico
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AMPERCOM S.r.l. Viale Lunigiana, 46, 20125 Milano - R.E.A. MI 1636071 - Reg. Imp. MI 2001-7995 - Cap. Soc. € 50.000 i.v. - P. I./C.F. 13290110157 - C.D. RR66BDG